Using Acupuncture For Better Health
The use of acupuncture for pain relief has been around for over 2,500 years, originating in China. We use this practice as a holistic measure of providing you pain relief and better health. Acupuncture is taking tiny thread – like needles and inserting them along the meridian line of the body. The use of acupuncture takes on the bodies needs as whole and not just specific symptoms.
Our acupuncturist is board certified and trained so call us today to learn more about our acupuncture practices and see if it is something that you are interested in.
How does it work?
Acupuncture works by opening the energy that flows through the body that maintains the health of the body. When these areas are blocked, bad health and pain occur. The needle used is placed on specific areas to open the closed off blockers that stop energy from flowing.
Benefits of Acupunctures:
- Eases back pain
- Soothe and dulls headaches
- Decreases pain
- Increases immune system
- Increases recovery speed of injuries
- And more
Acupuncture Can Reduce Pain
Acupuncture releases endorphins to the brain, which are the primary things that affect pain control. The process itself is fairly pain – free, but possibly a little discomfort from the needles piercing the skin. Most people say it is relaxing and without pain. Call us today to discuss possible acupuncture for your treatment.
West Duluth Clinic - (218) 624-5751
Got Questions? Contact Us
Hours of Operations:
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
By appointment only
Dr. Dave Lukovsky - [email protected]
Dr. Steve Lukovsky - [email protected]
Most insurance plans accepted.
[email protected]