Pain Relief For Headaches, Back & Neck Pain
Relief is available for your most distracting pain
Many things can cause headaches and back and neck pain. Finding the cause of the problem is the first step in helping to eliminate the pain for good. Issues like poor sleeping habits, bad posture, pinched nerves or other thing can cause pain to occur.
We can discuss your issue, perform an evaluation to determine your problems and start working on a solution. Call us today to schedule your evaluation and start getting the pain relief you deserve.
What we can do for you
We offer various chiropractic techniques to help with your headaches and neck and back pain. With the use of craniosacral therapy and massage, you will feel muscle tension relief. You can get relief from disc problems, spinal discomfort, pinched nerves, and scoliosis.
We Accept Most Insurances!
Types of problems:
Muscle spasms
Neck pain
Pinched nerves
Cranio sacral
And more
Let us take care of your pain
If you suffer from any of these issues, give us a call. Our goal is to have you living a pain- free life, and we want to work with you to make that happen. Let’s begin our journey to eliminating your pain for good.
West Duluth Clinic - (218) 624-5751
Got Questions? Contact Us
Hours of Operations:
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
By appointment only
Dr. Dave Lukovsky - [email protected]
Dr. Steve Lukovsky - [email protected]
Most insurance plans accepted.
[email protected]